
New Mexico Junior College (火博体育官网)


火博体育官网私隐声明一般适用于火博体育官网所进行的活动 involves the processing of personal data. This notice provides a broad overview of the range of activities that require personal data processing and the approach to protecting privacy. 

注:火博体育官网部门和其他单位可能有额外的隐私声明 related to their specific collection and processing of personal data practices. We 重视学院社区及其客人的隐私,并努力保护个人 隐私:

  • informing individuals about our practices
  • 收集合法商业目的所需的最少个人资料 and legal compliance
  • limiting access to personal data to appropriate individuals
  • 采用适当的物理及技术保安措施保护个人资料
  • 在涉及个人信息使用的项目设计中整合隐私原则 data.



在本通知中,“个人资料”是指任何有关的记录资料 you and from which you can be identified. It does not include data where your identity has been removed—anonymous data. Personal data “processing” refers to anything that 我们处理这些信息,包括收集、使用、存储、披露和删除 或保留.


We collect personal data from you directly through automated processes (e.g.,学习 management tools or our websites) and from third party entities. We generally collect 并使用以下类别的数据为不同群体的人在一个机构 水平:

  • 准学生:方便入学及提供高等教育服务; 我们收集与申请和财务相关的个人和家庭信息 援助程序,包括证明文件、身份证明和联系信息; education history, demographic 信息 (e.g., race, gender, and age) as volunteered, 测试历史,个人信息和历史,工作历史,和付款 信息.
  • 学生:注册,管理财政援助,跟踪学业进展,并提供 学术咨询和其他服务,我们使用提交的信息作为预期 学生,相关信息的学习成绩和表现,订阅数据 对于在线课程,视频图像由我们的视频安防系统录制 purposes of ensuring physical security and to protect college property.
  • 教职员工:管理与学院的雇佣关系,我们收集 身份、联系方式、个人信息、就业和教育情况 历史、付款和税务信息、与福利相关的家庭和健康信息、 and 信息 related to performance at work.
  • 访问学者和交换学生:促进和管理他们的访问 在大学里,我们收集身份证明,联系方式,个人信息,以及 possibly data related to health as relevant.
  • 校友:为了管理他们与学院的关系和互动,我们会收集他们的身份证明, contact 信息, and donor 信息.
  • 参加会议、专题讨论会和其他校园活动:登记、跟踪 付款和参与,我们收集身份证明,联系信息,付款 信息, and possibly data related to health for accommodation.
  • 网站访问者:了解并保存他们的偏好,以备将来访问和编译 汇总有关网站流量和网站互动的数据,以便我们提供更好的服务 网站体验,我们收集联系信息,IP地址,浏览器类型,互联网 服务提供商,访问的页面,操作系统,访问日期和时间,位置 信息, and other 信息 collected through cookies.
  • 校园访客:为方便其参观,我们收集联系方式,付款 信息,和视频图像记录由我们的视频安全系统的目的 of ensuring physical security and to protect college property.


我们偶尔会处理其他类型的合法个人信息 and specific purposes. When these situations occur, we endeavor to inform the data subjects of such occasional processing activities.

Collection, Use, and Sharing of Information

在使用我们的公共网页链接时,火博体育官网不要求您提供身份证明 从万维网.eduftp.net. 火博体育官网’s public webpages do not collect your personal 信息 but we may automatically collect and store general 信息 about you and your 访问我们的公共网页,但这些信息不能识别您的个人身份 unless you choose to provide your personal 信息. The 信息 that we collect 是用来跟踪用户如何与我们的网站互动,以便我们可以改善用户的 experience and make other improvements to the services and resources that we make available via 火博体育官网’s websites. In addition, anonymous 信息 collected during 如果您选择提供您的个人信息,您的访问可能与您相关联 在您访问期间. The 信息 that we collect includes, but is not limited to, 以下几点:

  • The IP address from which you access our website
  • The name of the domain from which you access the Internet
  • The type of browser and operating system used to access our website
  • The date and time you access our site
  • The pages, files, documents, and links that you visit
  • 您点击进入我们网站的广告或链接(推荐数据)
  • The Internet address of the website from which you linked to this website


Advertising 服务 and Cookies

我们的一些网站使用再营销服务在互联网上做广告 party websites to previous visitors to our site. Remarketing practices will display relevant ads tailored to you based on your past visits to a site under noms.eduftp.net.  我们不会通过使用这些cookie收集任何可识别的信息 or any other third party remarketing system. The 信息 we do collect is used to enable the ability to display ads relating to the pages visited by the visitor.

In addition to using cookies and related technologies as described above, we also 可以允许第三方公司帮助我们定制广告,我们认为可以 对用户感兴趣并收集和使用有关用户活动的其他数据 our Sites and/or 服务. These companies may deliver ads that might also place cookies and otherwise track user behavior. The data collected on user activities is not identifiable 信息,但用于帮助确定用户是否根据广告采取了行动.


我们会将所收集的个人资料用于学校的运作及教育活动 的火博体育官网. We only use the personal data for the purposes for which it was collected, 除非我们合理地认为它是由于另一个相关的原因而需要的 the reason is compatible with the original purpose. If we need to use your data for an unrelated purpose, we will seek your consent.


我们可能会与与学院签订合同以帮助管理您的数据的第三方共享您的数据 我们的操作. All of our third-party service providers are required to take appropriate security measures to protect your data in line with our policies. 我们不允许 them to use your data for their own purposes. We permit them to process your data only for specified purposes in accordance with our instructions.

我们也可能与第三方分享您的个人资料,以履行任何法律义务。 administer a contract you have with the College, and/or assist College-affiliated 与您联系有关商品、服务、慈善捐赠或经验的程序 that may be of personal interest.

我们可能需要与第三方分享您的个人资料的其他情况 包括我们在何处获得您的同意或在何时有必要保护 health and safety of you or others.

如果您的数据与第三方共享,我们将只寻求共享必要的信息 pertinent 信息.


火博体育官网认识到维护我们收集的信息安全的重要性 和维护. We strive to ensure reasonable security measures are in place, including 保护您个人信息的物理、管理和技术保障措施.